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Old 12-05-2013, 10:25 AM   #8
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Re: Newb doing a LS3/6L80 twin turbo swap K5 MORE PICS!!

Made some progress..turns out the Escalade T-case doesnt have an internal pump in it,so I was able to just plug the existing vent tube and make a new fill/drain plug location and a new vent.The adapter took slight modification with a die grinder to orient the T-case where I wanted it,no big deal,bolted right up and worked perfectly The original trans mount/cross member was used and almost seemed like it was made for the swap,I had to drill 4 new holes in the frame for mounting position and make a stand off for the differance in height between the original and the new mount on the 6L80 very simple.The bronco II fuel tank fits perfectly and was mounted using the original straps rotated 90 degrees with a piece of uni-strut bolted to the frame in the front and 2 new holes drilled at the rear frame cross member and bolted through.The fuel system will be done by this weekend via a small sump at the rear of the tank with 2 externally mounted walboro 255 pumps wyed together.And finally I wwent with the Holley High Ram EFI intake to fill up the engine bay a bit...turbo fab starts soon

here are some pics so far:

Last edited by danimal95; 12-05-2013 at 10:28 AM. Reason: title change
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