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Old 12-05-2013, 12:22 PM   #7
Grumpy old man
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Re: New guy with new '67 project

Originally Posted by 70blackfish View Post
welcome to the forum,,,

i would think a 6 motor from a dump truck has had a hard life. small block from a junkyard might be less headache's....
I've seen a few really nice 292's pulling 325 + hp and I like the look of the triple duce carbs, I have planned this build for 20 + years . I've built small blocks before but this time I'm going for the 6 and a few secrets to leave the small blocks sitting at the line wondering "what the H**L happened" ? I already have my paint (Sunburst orange metallic with fade up to Tangerine metallic base coat clear coat ) I've been painting and building custom interiors for 35 years and we've had some pretty nice toys over the years but this one I'm building for myself with no holds barred yet I totally plan on driving it . The 292 I found had a few things going for it

1 it survived it's dump truck life
2 it's complete and running
3 it's close by
4 it was cheap

These past weeks I've been offered some decent trucks and lord willing I'll try my best to get them all and hide them from my girl (What she doesn't see won't hurt me ) Once I figuire out how to load pictures the adventure will begin wish me luck !
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