Originally Posted by Ironhorse
You must be some sort of kin to my BIL, oldwagon, here on the board. He is of the "bigger is better" crowd.  Couple years ago he bought a '83 1 ton dually, 454, 4 speed, 4x4 with standard cab. Lots of rust, it was a farm truck here in the Kansas flatlands but it is what he wanted. Found it in a local car/truck for sale magazine. His wife called it "a rusted out POS" but it was what he wanted. So far we've changed the dually bed, he has another front clip for it to switch out. Needs cab rockers and more but don't think you can put a load behind it that it won't pull. They are out there but even here in the farm belt where people used them they are not plentiful. He jumped on it like a hen on a June bug as the saying goes.  Keep looking, they are there, just not as many as the 2wd. Good luck. 
My BIL is correct. When I went to pick it up, I made sure I had the cash with me. (took some xtra) While I was there, he had 3 calls from prospective buyers. I paid him on the spot and went back to pick it up a week later. Yes, they are there, but you just have to look for them.