Originally Posted by Tom Vogel
Damn... That LOOKS COLD. Im digging my heated Garage..LOL
Looks colder than it was. It was almost 30F out. Barely cold enough to snow. I wanted to get out in it yesterday cuz the real cold was moving in. I think our high today was about 6F.
BTW, my garage is heated too. That heater was by far the best spent money in the entire garage.
Originally Posted by Low Elco
Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20
Wow...I must be a wuss, I got cold watching that...but...it looked like fun!!!
It was a blast. I wanna see how it handles deeper snow, once we get it. Nice thing about the GMC is the all steel grill for busting drifts. Can't do that with a 71-72 blazer without busting the egg crate.
Single digit highs and below zero lows for the next several days. I figured if I was on a snowmobile I'd be in the open, so no top for me. I had my heavy coat on, and knit hat, and gloves. The heater was on. The boy and I were just fine.
Originally Posted by Bomp
Built for FUN.
Ain't no garage queen
Nailed it.
It's gonna need a rear locker at least though. Spools are much cheaper. Need to do some parts searching. I used a lock right on my C-10. It's a bit cheaper than replacing the full carrier and it's easy to install. Need to find a bargain though, money is tight.