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Old 12-07-2013, 01:36 AM   #50
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Re: hp estrimate again.

Originally Posted by 67_C-30 View Post
Here is a great shootout of budget SBC heads heads, and the baseline engine has the heads you have. We've built a couple of engines with the Patriot heads in the article, and they flat out work. They've seemed to hold up well, and are good quality for the price. The Edelbrocks work well also, and I'll some guys put a whole bunch of miles on them. Considering the price of the Patriot, Jegs, or Summit heads, I would not buy Vortecs either modified or having them modified to run a cam over .480 lift and having to buy a Vortec intake as well. They are good heads if you already have them or getthem dirt cheap, but aluminum heads very reasonable these days, and you can run higher CR without detonation than with iron heads.
reading the car craft link now, they have a different intake, and 1.6 rockers, slightly larger cam, however the the horspower for the stock iron heads was 358, which kind of surprised me, now i can see where the 300-325hp estimatescame from. this link is what i needed! helped alot! im looking at either the patriots, because of the torque numbers and peak hp numbers or the jegs, but i like the 815$ price of the patriots! now what is involved with swapping to 1.6 ratio rockers? just bolt on and go? or machining required? or am i better off sticking with the stock ratio (1.5? correct me if im wrong) which is better/worse. i guess i could be looking at just under 400hp, 400tq with a set of patriots or jegs, is this an appropriate estimate with my current setup?
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