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Old 12-08-2013, 07:25 AM   #1
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Posts: 156
a better way to search craigslist

I’ve seen a lot of “seen on craigslist” threads and have been meaning to post this for a while.
In craigslist “|” (that’s a “vertical bar” or “pipe” symbol, it usually looks like a colon made of lines instead of dots on the keyboard, but it could be a solid bar) instead of a space represents OR. A space between words works as AND.
Try this is the search field:
1967|1968|1969|1970|1971|1972 chevy|chevrolet|gm|gmc truck|pickup|swb|snb|lwb|step|short
Check on the title option box. This will exclude folks selling “old truck”, for example, but will also exclude the guys selling a 1964 ranchero that fill their add with all types of non-applicable stuff to get your attention. I search from the “all for sale” that way it’ll pull up parts and scrapyards (good stuff in the pictures).
You can also run this one:
67|68|69|70|71|72 chevy|chevrolet|gm|gmc truck|pickup|swb|snb|lwb|step|short
But it’s too many terms with all the dates to search them together. I have better luck with the first one.
Good hunting.
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