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Old 12-08-2013, 10:06 AM   #263
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Posts: 102
Re: Renovation project from Kuwait

Well I find this project absolutely incredible.You have captured our attention with your ability to procure NOS parts some half way around the world from us here in the U.S. and turned out a great rig along the way. I was in Saudi Arabia back in the 90's and met a few men like "A GOOD MAN" and money was also no object. The cool thing about these guys is they keep people working and provide a prideful means of existence to many who come from poorer countries around the world to work in the Mid-Eastern Lands and support their families back in their home countries.

After reviewing this entire thread I just wonder how you decided upon this particular truck over all others out there for sale? Do you use a Broker or simply find it on your own?

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