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Old 12-08-2013, 11:08 AM   #1
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Flasher wiring help

I am rewiring my 66 truck and I am have a question. I have a 66 truck that the original harness has been cut and hacked beyond recognition, so I can not use that as a reference.

I looked at the wire harness drawing in the FAQ, and I am seeing differences in the drawings. One of the schematics shows no brown wire for the flasher/hazards. The other harness schematic there is a brown wire for a flasher/hazard in my column. The universal harness I got from speedway has the brown wire, but the column in my truck(stock) does not have the brown wire.

Since I have no switch for flashers, can I just tape back the brown wire and not use it, or will this cause an issue for the blinkers and running lights?
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