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Old 12-09-2013, 09:25 AM   #14
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Re: Smaller Tires or Shackle Flip?

Yeah I guess I had it a little wrong. I thought that the longer shackle Would help the spring flatten it too but I guess only To A small extent. Ive never done it personally just was going off of what I thought it did on other trucks. My lift springs were offset to relocate the axle so I guess I was just going Off that. So A flip with like a two inch lift Spring would probably move the axle a lil bit but would need a zero rate to move axle and shim or reweld axle perches to get it to a usable amount of pinion angle. I've heard of red ruling springs too to get the axle Back farther as well. It still Seems like a lot More work for just a four inch lift. My lift springs only cost 400 bucks with shipping in the rear from pro comp. they hold weight for towing and flex pretty

Last edited by Chulisohombre; 12-09-2013 at 09:39 AM.
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