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Old 12-09-2013, 11:33 AM   #15
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Re: Smaller Tires or Shackle Flip?

Hey guys. Just getting back to this thread from a long weekend. I measured that the axle needed to mvoe back 3.25" in order to be centered in the wheel well. With a 35" tire and 36" wheel well opening, centering the tire will need to be more precise.

1) I ended up visiting the Junkyard on Satuday and pulled a set of 56" springs from a '90 4x4 2500 Suburban (6 leafs plus a helper leaf). I plan on flipping these so the longer (30") side of the spring is foward which will give the axle enough offset back to center my 35" tires in the wheel well. May actually need to move the axle forward a 3/4" once I do this.

2) The DIY4x shackle flip, I can swap sides so the shackle mount point moves back an inch or so, which will accomodate the bigger springs.

3) I will need to address the pinion angle and axle legnth once everything is bolted up.

4) I also needed to buy a longer flex brake line which I will replace this week.
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