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Old 12-09-2013, 11:57 AM   #25
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Re: In line filter suggestions?

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter View Post
I've always put an inline filter underneath the cab between the two sections of metal line.

I have never felt that there was an issue doing it this way for the following reasons.

1) The fuel pump is happy to suck fuel out of the tank at the very back of a Suburban and along the frame rail to the engine. This shows me that the pumps are hearty and able to pull fuel happily.

2) The fuel level is above the fuel pump. Gravity is doing most of the work anyway. Once the lines are full, it acts on a siphon principle anyway. Pluck the rubber line off your pump and point it away and it will drain fuel out of the tank all day long.
1-It is not the distance that is an issue, it is that you are introducing a big restriction pulling through a filter. Once the line is full it has about the same number of bends and it runs pretty straight so the increase in pressure drop is minimal from a truck to 'burb. Lay out a garden hose with 1 end in a kiddie pool and try to get a siphon going. Doesn't much matter how long the hose is, it isn't that difficult. Now put a rag over the end in the pool and you will see it is a lot harder to get it going.

2-This is true for an in-cab tank. Suburban and Blazer (and relocated which is a popular thing) are below the pump so gravity is not helping.

Do what you want, but my experience with below frame tanks is my experience. And IMHO it is still un-necessary to have 2 filters. You will be better off replacing the sock on the pickup and adding a good filter after the pump and before the carb.
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