Originally Posted by NEWFISHER
I like the sail panelz, a cool touch that will keep people looking around your rig.
Originally Posted by Grizz1963
Guess I got lucky then, creeping cold this weekend, but managed to rake up all the leaves (large wheelie bin full), cut the grass possibly the last time this year, and managed to lose the front wheel off the mower.
Suspect we will have snow at some point, and after the first inch, the whole of the UK will come to a grinding halt.
Nice pic of your truck Don.
As mentioned on Skype, love the wheel too.
Originally Posted by realvc
Greetings Don
Your sail panels are really cool as is the two tone paint on the steering wheel.
We have plenty of ice everywhere, even canceled the church service today.
The power is still on so that is a huge plus for our part of the sticks.
I was planning on heading up your way last week but got side tracked getting things ready for the big freeze.
Take care and stay warm.
Originally Posted by T.J. MCCAULEY
Yeah we had a couple inches of snowfall over night. It's raining now. Good thing we have a wood stove on the house as well as the shop! lol! 
Thanks Guyz!!!
After a couple of days iced in, Arkansas doesn't have the equipment readily available to deal with these fun winter storms...

I finally heard that F%#d revealed it's newest pony… Just thought I'd share...

Stay Warm!!!