Markeb01 Build Thread
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12-09-2013, 03:37 PM
Senior Enthusiast
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Spokane Valley, WA
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Re: Markeb01 Build Thread
Thanks for all the feedback guys. It's getting so cold (0-10 degrees) I'm losing my enthusiasm for being in the garage. So while thinking about getting back to modeling, I stopped by the toy section of Walmart this morning. I was surprised to find a pile of these and had to have one. They’ve never carried this series at the local store before. Must be loading up for Christmas:
I also picked this one up at a different Walmart a couple of weeks ago. It’s Hot Wheel size and claimed to be a 1958 GMC, but it has single headlights, a funky plastic grille that doesn’t look like anything and an odd front bumper that looks similar to the one found on a 1950 Dodge. It also has wheel tubs! I haven’t decided yet whether to leave it alone or cut it up and turn it into a 1960-66 short step:
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