Thread: Rear susp
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Old 12-09-2013, 04:25 PM   #1
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Rear susp

I got a TCI 4 link, coil over set up with my 51 trk. Brackets were done installed. I went to put it in and found the bars are to short. When you adjust them out to the 24.25, you have a 1/2 in of threads left in the tube. Called them and he said I'd need custom bars made. Something about there was a newer kit and apparently I got some of both. Cked the brackets and they can only go in 1 place but I'm better than 2 in short on wheelbase. Bottom line, I don't know if TCI or who is screwed up but it's a mess. Thought about a ladder bar set up, what are you all running with something that is mostly street?
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