Re: Filling cranky, thread etiquette...
I'll admit that I'm guilty of pulling a thread off topic from time to time due the the conversational tone I sometimes take in my replies. Sometimes I try to add related information and that can lead to an OT discussion as well. I do try to refer back to the original subject if I realize it's gone too far and it's never done with the intention to detract from or steal the original discussion.
Now it's one thing if the conversation takes a turn in a different direction as part of the natural flow. It's another altogether when a long term member deliberately starts another discussion in a thread that does not apply to the original post. That happened to me in the first thread I posted here and at the time I felt it was a pretty rude thing to do. Since then I've come to realize that most people here are helpful and just providing answers if they have them but at the time it really seemed like a hearty yuck foo.