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Old 12-16-2013, 07:38 PM   #1
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new to me 84 burb

was looking for a newer truck but last 2 i saw were 85 n 84.
picked up the 84 from board member.
looks like i have an oil leak or leaks..sitting in snow but i see couple spots.
all in all truck i think is in good shape. tomorrow morning il post of whats in the driveway.
heat...well not sure if its not working or where you put it on dash is wrong. vent for floor etc. but i know chevy trucks and i dont think anything puts out better heat then a chevy. not cold air. but definutely not hot air coming out.

should i change thermostat? and see what happens? seemed to work on my 94.

i have rust and rot. in areas. will post.
id like to keep this truck. fix what needs fixing..stop leaks. and have heat.
not sure how bad rear rot is. hopefully when i post pics you guys can let me know.

tires where shot. today i picked up another set of ralleys for truck with good tires. NEED trim rings. in nj. 3 inch i think. lmk where to get them if you know.

headliner was sagging baddly. today i attempted to get it up a little bit... ended up putting a whole in liner. were can i get new one. or how much to fix in nj

will post a bunch of pics in the morning so you guys can give me a better idea of what i actually have here.
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