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Old 12-17-2013, 12:26 AM   #5
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Re: DIY: TPI conversion

Originally Posted by Rich84 View Post
A Camaro throttle cable and tvcable for the 700r work perfectly on our trucks.
Nice, good to know. Altho, the Camaro cable appears to be discontinued thru aftermarket suppliers now. Which brings up a good point, when hunting down a TPI intake for a conversion, try to get one that is complete as possible. TPI manifolds have alot of specific pieces and if you have to buy missing things, it adds up. The manifold I used was a $50 CL find, but was missing little things like the bolts, throttle cable bracket, TPS, T-stat neck. Ended up costing me another $50-60 bucks buying the little pieces to make it complete.

Originally Posted by school boy View Post
Im in the middle of doing this swap. My only advise is make sure you know if you have the 305 or 350. The 305 tune and injectors are different from the 350.
Yes, there is quite a difference. For stock or mildly modified engines, stick with the stock injector sizes.

305 use 19 lb/hr injectors
350 use 22 lb/hr injectors

You can recondition used injectors like I did, however for peace of mind ebay is a good source of new injectors. Many of them are F@rd take off and new ones, same style injector as stock TPI ones tho.

The tune can be a complicated aspect of this swap. If you are converting the stock truck or a built up engine, you're going to have to tune it, no question.
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