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Old 12-17-2013, 02:05 AM   #13
60-66 Nut

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
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Re: C30 disk brake swap questions

It's not that easy on the '63-'66 C20/30's. The '63-'66's use a flat LCA shaft, so there is no saddle to locate a later model LCA shaft. I have not had the time to verify whether or not a disc brake lower ball joint will press into a '63-'66 LCA. If they will, that definitely would simplify the conversion.

Originally Posted by tincan1966 View Post
Why all the fuss to switch crossmembers? Just R & R the control arms. I switched out my '69 C30 from drum to disc and never touched the cross member. I used all 1976 C 30 JB-8 brakes.

one thing I see a lot of with guys switching the entire crossmember out is that they seldom rebuild the "donor" so just changing out worn parts for more worn parts.
If you're going to tear it down and install new ball joints, etc, no need for the extra work of switching the X member.
Just my two cents worth.

Too bad no one close needs a completely NEW disc brake C-30 FE My truck got totaled about 500 miles after rebuild. Everything including the control arms are brand new.
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