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Old 12-17-2013, 10:37 AM   #24
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Re: Patina Trucks What Should We Pay?

I paid $500 for Cecilia a year ago, but I pestered the old guy that had her forever before he let her go. He was very particular that she go to someone that wouldn't take a chainsaw to her and appreciated her for what she was. Fine old detroit steel.

I can't say it's always good to let them know you love these old trucks, but in my case it worked out great. If an old timer owns it they might appreciate that.

EDIT: Just read that you're chopping it up. Just get an old truck with some rust on it and get to cutting. No sense in tearing up a good truck especially if they're rare in your area. You'll save money since you're changing it anyway.
Step by steps:
Remove primer to reveal original paint
Rebuild a carburetor
See My Build - Cecilia!
Some people are like slinkys. Not worth much but funny as heck when pushed down stairs.
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