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Old 12-18-2013, 09:46 AM   #14
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Re: 3 speed overdrive rebuild questions

Originally Posted by 61K10 View Post
JC---there is some rebuild kits out there--all bearings and gaskets/seal, just hard parts--gears/shafts/sync row drum etc are harder to find. with 2 trans you should be able to make one good one. there are pretty easy to work on------good luck
Originally Posted by ray_mcavoy View Post
^ I agree.

Here is a bearing/gasket/seal kit for the 319 ... the overdrive version of the 318 3-speed with the 4-bolt side cover:

Dad was in a similar situation a few years ago. He found 3-speed OD trans that was a bit rusty inside. He started checking around for a non-OD trans to use as a gears/parts donor when he stumbled across another 3-speed OD trans that was almost like new inside and less expensive than the rusty one. I'm sure he probably just got lucky on that find, but it wouldn't hurt to look around some more before buying the rusty one.

Like 61K10 said earlier, you can use a non-OD donor 3-speed for the parts that aren't OD specific. So the biggest concern with rust would be with the OD parts like the planetary gear set, one-way roller clutch, etc. If those parts are rusted beyond use you're better off looking for a different transmission to start with. Also check the condition of the solenoid that engages the overdrive (it should make a fairly loud clunk when you ground the case and apply power to the larger of the two screw terminals). Those solenoids can be pricey if it needs to be replaced.
Originally Posted by 63burban View Post
If the gears and everything are heavily rusted, you have a display piece. Bearings and such can be replaced but rusted gears usually don't last long even cleaned up real nice.

Thanks for all the tips guys! Good info on checking out the solenoid. The old man selling them says the rust is only minor so we will see. I do have a good three speed in my truck at the moment so if worse comes to worse I think I could swap out the gears.
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