My "Mator" build
Well, it seems to be that time like a few other "newbies" to take the plunge. First I would like to say this site has inspired me and has given me the confidence to tackle this project. This is my first project ever. I have owned fixer uppers but never really did anything with them. With that said this is not a full on custom but rather a nice DD I can be proud of and say "I DID that".
Let’s introduce her. She is a 67 short step with a 350/TH350. Nothing special but it will light em up. I drove 7 hours to southern Missouri to pick her up. I thought she was pretty solid except for some surface rust. Well it turned out to be a little more than that. That’s when I found this forum and confidence to do most of the work myself.
Here is the first pict I took outside St Luis getting dinner. I couldn’t believe it when some came up and asked me if it was for sale while I was stopped.