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Old 12-19-2013, 11:59 AM   #18
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Re: Need help with heat, children are freezing!

Originally Posted by awbrown View Post
you are not getting any flow through the core , post a picture of how your hoses are routed and where they hook up to the engine .. if you have a new core (brand new not used ) then your problem is else where .. both tubes on the heater core should be hot ,if only one is it has to be a flow problem .. you should not have to "burp" the heater core because flow will start the minute you fire the engine ,the line coming from the water pump will have more than enough pressure to flush out any air in the heater core.. 2 more things to think about , do you have a temp gauge on the vehicle??? are you sure your thermostat is working properly???
A picture is worth a few words and about 50 degrees worth of heat .. New heater core 75 bucks , new hoses 20 bucks new thermostat 18 bucks new fan motor 50 bucks , heat in truck and smiling kids , priceless .... I rode to Springfeild Mass. once with a GM tech ,we about froze to death , I looked under the hood to find out his hoses were not routed correctly ,so we fixed it in the parking lot after finding a 7/8 wrench and a pipe nipple at the swap meet we were at ,it was a long trip home for the guy cause I rubbed it in ..
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