Re: Opinions about replacing points with electronic module
Something else I forgot to mention:
You will just be replacing the internals in an already worn distributor. Not saying yours is bad, just making a point.
A lot of the times the "upgrades" seem to provide so much of an improvement because what you removed was worn out.
A 50+ year old distributor is going to have shaft wear, and the lobes the points were riding on are going to be worn, as well, either one or both would cause less that original design performance. A points distributor is not quite as sensitive about shaft wear as an electronic, because the electronic requires a minimum and maximum "air gap" in order for the magnetic pickup to work properly. If the shaft deflects outside of that range, or the points mounting plate that the new electronic unit mounts to moves, that distance is changed and unit does not perform correctly.
if you truly are hard core about keeping an exact OEM look, I would purchase a reman points distributor and convert it. That way you are assured that the tolerances are within the OEM specs and your conversion will perform as you hope.
Bottom line, there is no sense wasting good money to accessorize a worn part. Spend wisely and spend once, even if it means waiting and buying the parts over a period of time.
Again, just my opinion. Hope it's useful