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Old 12-19-2013, 04:48 PM   #13
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Re: Opinions about replacing points with electronic module

. ignition never made horsepower. lack of it prevented it tho'
. aftermarket stuff tends to lack reliability, if that is important
. points have worked well for over a hundred years on billions of applications i suspect however it seems to intimidate the current majority - along with carburetors
. points can be "tuned" to last 50k miles or longer (if you know how)
. points are much less expensive
. having grown up in the gm dealerships before, and while HEI came on the scene, i would go with the points for maximum dependability vs a reman HEI or a HEI with aftermarket components
. should you wish to the advance curve is easily changed in a points dist vs HEI
. disclaimer: any ref to points, in the post, does NOT apply to those that came from the hot to go discount parts stores
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