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Old 12-22-2013, 04:04 PM   #47
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Re: Big Block Muffler SHOOTOUT!

Even if you had scientific laboratory comparison of the sound level of different mufflers, the actual sound in your truck would likely not match the laboratory comparisons. I have seen muffler sound comparisons on a corvette forum, but those were for performance exhaust - read loud.

BTW, why not spend a morning at that pick and pull on Buckeye and check out all of the old squares they have. I saw some exhaust systems that looked almost brand new. It is a crap shoot but if you see one with no holes or rust I think it is worth a shot. I think you can exchange it for store credit if it is no good. That would be my choice, plus a nice trip down old square memory lane. I would bring a good hack saw or battery powered sawzall from Harbor Freight if you have one. Some of those trucks had cats but some were just stock straight through setups. Or buy the whole exhaust if it looks good. Bring a small tarp to lay down on if you go - it is real nasty on the ground out there.
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