Starter for 400 SBC
I went to use my truck today since my daily driver was in an accident (I rear ended an SUV on the highway in holiday shopper traffic when studded tires lost traction from braking hard in the rain and slid for 3-4 seconds before impact).
It started fine at first, but engine shut off a couple minutes after starting (cold start 40 degrees with no choke). I went to start it again, and nothing happened when I turned the key.
We tried jumping it and tapping the starter with a rubber mallet, and still wouldn't turn over. My best guess is that the starter is shot. Where can I find a budget-minded replacement starter for a 400 small block? Can't spend a lot since all my money is going into fixing my daily driver, paying "following too close" ticket, insurance increase etc., (not to mention I wasnt expecting to have to replace my starter after my accident) and now need to make my truck my DD for a while since my car is in pieces in my garage.
-1978  K10 Scottsdale LWB
400 SBC 4 spd muncie SM465 ("heavy chevy")
-2002 Toyota Celica GT
5spd (gas saving daily driver)
-1969 Pontiac Firebird (post-college project car)