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Old 12-25-2013, 11:06 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Portland, Ore.
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nv3500 behind stock 5.3

I'm ashamed to say i've never owned a manual transmission truck, and know little to nothing about gm manual transmissions. my pop swapped a 700r4 into this '66 before he entrusted it to my care.
it came stock with a 292 and 3 speed on the floor. the floor has a high hump trans tunnel. stock clutch pedal assy. stashed at pop's house.

my questions are directed to those who have 4.8/5.3's and manuals with hydraulic clutches.

*what year trans did you use?

*what work did you do to make the stock clutch pedal linkage push the hydro master? details please.

*driveline stuff: same output splines? driveline cut/lengthened?

*what flywheel/clutch/bearing did you use?

I'm having trouble finding a good used 4l60e, and have a line on a nv3500 from a 2004 2wd p/u. no flywheel, clutch, master or bearing with it though

gotta figure out the transmission stuff before I send my PCM off
then i can concentrate on the fuel system (yay!)

Merry Christmas y'all
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