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Old 12-18-2003, 01:50 PM   #3
Grim Reaper
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It may be a lock out device problem. There is a lever that the window hits when it is all the way down. It locks out the latches so you can't open the gate with the window open. I had a K5 that had a spring break in that and gave a simular problem.

The latch is different on my 88 Burb then it was on my 79 K5. I am having a problem with the switch that lets you operate the window once the gate is closed. You have to slam the snot out of the gate to trip the switch.

On the 79 it was in the driver side latch. Completly different latch on the 88 burb. I think the switch is relocated to the passengerside upright on the body and not in the gate at all. Any tips on getting it to work right without slamming the gate? (wish I had held out longer for a barn door model some times)
70 Pontiac LeMans Sport Convertible, worlds longest resto in progress
Looking for 71-72 2wd Blazer or Jimmy Project
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