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Old 12-26-2013, 02:18 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Oak Grove, MO
Posts: 19
Surprising my 11 year old stepson with his 64 Chevy Longbed for Christmas

My 11 year old stepson isn't like a lot of kids out there. He's all about cars, trucks, motorcycles, hotrods, ratrods, lowriders, etc. He's not much into video games or sports like a lot of kids. He fell in love with the 64 Chevy Longbed out at my friend's step-dad's junkyard. I wanted to buy it for him, but Dick said a guy stopped in earlier in the week to buy it. Come to find out, the other guy didn't buy it, so I did. We told Bryce (my stepson) that Dick sold the truck....he just didn't know it was sold to me and his mom. We have been working on it the past month and a half. Pulled the motor and tranny and tore the motor down. Took the bed off. C-notched it and just started bagging it. Nothing too fancy. We're keeping it ratrod style. We were doing this all in a polebarn, running electricity from an extenstion cord from inside the vacant heat either other than a little blast here and there. Here are couple of pics when Bryce first saw his truck. His mom will get to drive it for a few years before he is old enough, but he'll get to work on it starting NOW. I'll add more pics later.
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