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Old 12-26-2013, 09:42 PM   #3
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Re: used ring pinion

Have you looked around for a set of gears? I have had several farmers come to me to order them for them[ Word of mouth type thing] I order gear sets from Summit Racing or Jeg's either one has gear sets in the $ 150 or less range. Like I said I had one farmer come to me looking for used, I told him that new was not real expensive then he gave me the quote for the gears the dealers gave him some thing stupid like $450 for just a gear set. I told him I could get him a new set of Richmonds for [I think it was $135 ]and next thing I know several had called in the next month wanting the same deal. Most all the time I pass on my discounts [from other places] to my customers and not try to make anything off of a phone call. If you get a chance maybe you could check out that source for new.
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