Re: Surprising my 11 year old stepson with his 64 Chevy Longbed for Christmas
Thanks for the kind words. I took tons of pictures and videos from the time the truck was on the rollback leaving the junkyard, all the way thru us tearing it a part. I wanted Bryce to be able to help with actually bagging the truck, so he will be in the pics from now on. Once I figure out how to get all of the pics and videos off of my phone, I will upload more.
We had Bryce and his brother racing go-karts at a young age, but we got out of that. I've been into motorcycles for years, so Bryce always goes to the shows and bike rides with me. His mom has missed out on a lot over the past few years, but she said to let him go on the rides now while it's still "cool" to ride with his step-dad.
Kind of what started the truck project was his mom, him and his brother (who is older and is totally into sports, which I coached him in baseball, basketball and football until he got into school ball) wanted something to roll to the shows in, so the truck will be it.
Bryce is a very talented kid. He's been learning to paint and pinstripe. I have no artistic ability what so ever, so a friend of mine that I met thru car/motorcycle shows took him under his wing and is teaching him.
Bryce builds stuff out of cardboard, ductape and whatever else he can find, so I figured it was time to get him the garage and get started putting his talent to work.
After we bought the truck, I came to the forum, but I stayed low key because I didn't want him to see anything. I actually ordered the bag kit and some parts from a couple different vendors on the board. Everybody has been great to deal with.
I'll add some pics this weekend for sure.