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Old 12-27-2013, 11:04 AM   #17
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Re: Surprising my 11 year old stepson with his 64 Chevy Longbed for Christmas

What a great story and what a cool Dad you are. Notice that I didn't say Stepdad, and that's because you're giving Bryce and his brother the care and attention that a true Dad gives to his children. To often, I have seen relations strained because the kids and the stepmom/stepdad do not have a blood relation, and they just can't can't get over that reality. You are a good man to put all of that aside and be the Dad that those boys really need. I have always said that kids only grow up once, and a little hard work at the beginning will pay off big-time later on when they become older. I can always spot an adult that wasn't raised right as a kid!

Bryce will never forget his Christmas gift, and I look forward to seeing him post up and let us know how his truck is coming along!
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