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Old 12-28-2013, 03:28 PM   #1
MashTheGas 72
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Folkston Ga
Posts: 178
Vin# Got me a little worried!

I was out working on the 72 GMC today when I happened to look at the vin# on the glovebox. Well I got curious and went to compare to the Vin# on the dash at windshield. Well to my surprise there wasn't any Vin# tag on the dash. I guess when I had the windshield replaced something happened or did it ever have one. I can't remember. Did the 72's come with the Vin# on the dash. Where all can I find my Vin#? Just the Glove Box? If it's missing is there anywhere I can order a new Vin# Tag? The Vin# on my glovebox is TCE142B513267 can someone tell me what this stands for. The last # is 67 is that suppose to be a 67. I know mine is a 72 maybe the Glovebox was replaced. This is the Vin# on my Registration. Don't know. Thanks for any help.
72 GMC 1/2 Ton
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