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Old 12-30-2013, 11:01 AM   #72
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Re: Help me value and decide wether to buy this truck

Post 41 shows the price.
If there was a low water problem I'd expect heat, literally after driving the truck hard for 15 minutes or more, the intake manifold was barely warm, the temperature gauge may not work, but the motor nor the radiator were hot, a cold running issue is definitaly a problem, weather its a stuck thermostat, or just the giant four core radiator and big fan I don't know. The heater does blow warm air as was stated before.
However the current owner has had the truck since 2011 and the rebuild photos were from some time ago, the giant box of receipts does coincide with a truck rebuilt up to ten years ago.
I'm a fairly good judge of body and paint, this truck has absolutely no rust, and a nice paint job, if there is any filler in that paint it is hidden extremely well, the door strikes being painted may have been a preference, did you all see that the body and doors were painted with no glass or interior at all?
a complete frame off, I wouldn't suspect any issues with the body or paint or frame, or running gear, it is one nice piece of jewelry. Even the window regulators are new and work perfect, the door locks work perfect, the interior is great. It was a nice resto, but the bugs are not worked out and or could for sure be from sitting.
But the running issue does suck, as does the non working gauges.
The price is to high for the issues I agree, but the seller does not think it has a running issue, and I don't care to argue or call him a liar. So if he thinks a poor/surging mid range gutless big block is normal, theres nothing I can do.
It's a shame is what it is, someone needs to fix those issues or get a new engine and MSD ignition system and make that truck fly, just not me for that price.
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