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Old 12-31-2013, 09:35 AM   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Posts: 946
Re: Truck runs fine for about an hour or 90 mins then dies

I kinda think its a fuel issue. 100 yards wouldn't heat anything up far enough to make it die (electrically), I wouldn't think. Also, to do the spark plug test, if you don't have a spare plug, just get a buddy to hold he end of the wire, but you have to do it early in the morning!! LOL Might not work any better, but will be more entertaining.
72 GMC C2500 402/Th400 first truck (still have)
77 GMC C3500 CC dually Sold
70 C50 dump truck "Rusty"
87 K10 Suburban Sold
93 K2500 xcab 6.5TD
96 GMC K2500 Suburban 6.5 TD
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