Thread: 49 door glass
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:44 AM   #4
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Re: 49 door glass

Does it have swing handle or push button? The striker is different as is the cab where the striker bolts. They will "work" when swapped but not as good as with the proper striker to latch combination. They even made an "adapter" in 51 because some doors were swing handle and some were push button.

The one on the left is a swing handle, the middle one is the "adapter" and the one on the right is the push button handle striker.


1948 Chevy pickup
Chopped, Sectioned, 1953 Corvette 235 powered. Once was even 401 Buick mid engined with the carburetor right between the seats!
Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

"Fan of most anything that moves human beings"
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