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Old 12-19-2003, 12:47 AM   #17
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Originally posted by bouncytruck
Your probably going to want to get the steering box reinforcement, especailly if you go with 35's or larger. The second gen + Blazers are notorious for cracking the frame at the steering box. The bigger the tires, the more likely hood of bump steer too. If you plan on taking it off road and running 35's, your probably going to want the 6" lift. If it is a street machine, you can probably get away with the 4". has a part number for longer brake lines from NAPA. Suppose to be long enough for a 6" - 8" lift.
I'v asked several people about 35's with 4" of lift and they think it will work fine since i'll be running 12.5" tires with a 8" rim with somewhere between 3.5-4" of BS. If I have to i'll do a little cutting of the fenders. I don't want to lift it too high to keep the center of gravity low but would like to run at least 35" tires for now to get my differentials away from those damn rocks. If the 4" suspension won't clear it then I may add a 2" body to get a total of 6" to easily clear the 35's.
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