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Old 01-01-2014, 05:12 PM   #5
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Re: '63 brake bleed question

I did lr, rr, rf, lf today, twice. The brake fluid coming out of the bleeder valves started out pretty cruddy at first, but now wverything is nice and clean as far as the fluid goes. Only the left rear had any noticeable air bubbles.

My brakes aren't any better than before I bled them. The first time you push on them the pedal goes nearly to the floor before you feel any braking, and the second push gets very firm and brakes after 2 inches of travel. My left front is braking exceptionally hard. If I try to lock up the wheels, only the left one will lock.

Maybe I should bleed them again. Or perhaps it's an adjustment issue.

The way that I bench bled the master cylinder was new to me. The instructions said to mount it in the truck and plug the port (the MC came with a plastic plug). You then pump the brakes slowly and with only about an inch of travel until you don't see air bubbles coming up into the reservoir.

I followed those instructions, and I think it worked. The air bubbles stopped, and the pedal got very firm.

Any thoughts? Bleed the mc again? Bleed the wheel cylinders again? Adjust the brakes? All the above?
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