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Old 01-03-2014, 01:43 PM   #1
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Angry Instrument Panel Bulb Clips / Shipping

I have recently run into some serious frustrations with multiple vendors regarding shipping prices. Certain popular vendors (no names) charge shipping per order total.. certain others seem to base it on weight, and maybe also a combination of weight and total. I can see the total value having an impact as it may raise their prices for insurance reasons, but i cant quite understand how I should pay $20 for shipping something that weighs a few ounces and can fit in an envelope or can flat rate box as an average consumer for $6.

I recently tried to order (3) instrument bulb clips from a popular and well respected vendor here on the boards, $2 each, for an order total of $6. Shipping was $19, and we all know these can fit in an envelope.

Whats the deal here? That is absurd.

With that being said, does anyone know a good place to order instrument panel bulb clips? I thought I checked all of the vendors. Brothers charges 8 each and is the only place I saw aside from the aforementioned well respected vendor...
1972 C20
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