I have never been in to class racing so things like roll out of front ties and the affect on reaction time has never been some thing I have looked in to. You have peaked my curooysity how a front ties roll out would affect reaction. The only thing I can think of is the beams height and the circumfrence of the larger tire. The shorter tire perhaps more optimized based on beam height.
But I would think the rt between a 26 and 28 would be negligible. I could see a 22 vs 30. In addition to that, if you just light the staged lights, the beam for staged should be hitting the same point on the tire as the start beam.
So I guess my question here is, is it a function of tire height or staging depth? I am going to guess you will say both.. how much really goes to the tire?
I like little trivial things like this

it helps me think of other things.