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Old 01-05-2014, 01:37 PM   #1
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Aftermarket Air Condioning Help

I am certain this has been covered but as my kids say I am computer challenged. I am in the process of completely redoing my 65 K-10. I am doing the bodywork now, both outside and inside the cab. I will be adding Air Conditioning to this truck. I am leaning toward a "Old Air Hurricane system with electronic controls" and using pods instead of the underdash units, but would and am considering other kits as well.

Who has done this and would you recommend the company whose parts you used. I do not want a underdash unit I want to put 4 "pods" in the dash, I remember seeing pictures of someone else who did that, but now I cant find it, I am sure its here somewhere, just me being me. I want air, heat, and defrost. Suggestions on quality of "kits", bang for the buck and completeness would be appreciated.
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