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Old 01-05-2014, 03:28 PM   #15
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Sandy Utah
Posts: 46
Re: HIGH OCTANE wheel tubs

I have a wheel tub question for you guys. Not on my Truck, but on the 90 Corvette that I am in the process of doing the tubs on. I have a set of the old steel tubs that I was planing on putting in but would prefer a set of fiberglass ones. I have seen some carbon fiber tubs, but for that cost I could buy a ton of other race parts. Weight is not really a concern at the minute. I would just prefer to work with fiberglass. Do you guys know of anyone that makes a good quality glass tub that would be wide enough to start with, and big enough in diameter? The rear tires are a 33X21.5 tire so they would need to be approx 25" wide, and atleast 36" diameter. I am going to be cutting and putting my tubs in around march my guess (Depending on weather)
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