Re: 1963 that looks like 64-66
From what I'm used to with cars and trucks alike, If the car/truck was manufactured from January-June of the year i.e. 1963 then it was a 63. If it was manufactured from July-December of the year (see year previously mentioned) it was considered a late year vehicle unless noted otherwise. If you want to get more technical like with Ford( a name that doesn't belong on this site for they aren't really meant for this site) they went and created the "half year" model, like the 1964 1/2 mustang, where I think the previous mentioned production year issue came into play. There's many benefactors to this so who knows. Every maker had their system of labeling the years of the new and late models.
That's the thing about a Chevrolet, no matter how they look, whether it be a trailer queen or a good ol' used farm truck, no other truck on the road will always look that damn good wearing a Bowtie.