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Old 01-06-2014, 06:33 AM   #13
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Posts: 15
Re: Colour possibilities

Originally Posted by too much stuff View Post
I think board member HeavyD has or had a green one. Has a picture in his avatar of it.
I noticed it, too bad it's not a larger pic. Looks to be a real cool colour combination! Are there any photo's archived on this board?

Originally Posted by timski69gmc View Post
Wow. Funny things happen on the internet. A buddy just bought that truck in Alberta. Exact same picture as the one you posted. He does have the truck, so it does exist. Think he picked it up a about a month or so ago. Maybe two. But that would be why that ad was pulled. Scammer. I just talked to him this morning about looking for some patch panels etc for it.
Already Gone's Chevy is a beauty. And I love the other GMC in your link, #8. He was going to use that one as inspiration for his build. kidding. If at all possible, it would be great to see some int photo's of that truck. Looks real neat!

I wonder if the Canadian GMC's that were painted these colours were a) all built in Canada, and b) if they were "batch" built like a VIN sequence (or something similar)? Were dealers required to buy a few for their lots due to the "spring promotion", was it only specific dealers offering it? I've never come across any GMC's in those colours here in Ontario, was it only offered in Western Can - which provinces?

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