Originally Posted by jtrichard
12500 is on the high side for sure but look at what the rusted junk at lambrect went for ....not much rust here if any ..look at what some of the guys on here go through back east with rust some may have been very happy to pay 12K not to go through that hell... i would say that this truck did not have a step side on it before "fillers are missing" and "GMC tailgate" maybe a utility bed??? has hand throttle .. i cant figure out what was in the dash hole next to the radio kinda strange the delete plate looks like it hangs over that hole some it may have had some kind of radio in it as the hole in the center of the roof would indicate
it may have had a pto on it at one time. I do have a pto cable and another cable for the hydraulics for the bed; 65 C930.
That body also could have had a few panels change over the years. one thing if they were gov or fleet trucks they would have been maintained fairly well as long as they were in service
as for holes they could have been for emerg lights or whatever was required for them to do their jobs.
I can remember that we used to service the game wardens truck. they use to rip a lot of things off underneath. just keep putting it back the way that it is supposed to be