Thread: Russ the 79 c10
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Old 01-11-2014, 05:58 PM   #10
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Re: Russ the 79 c10

just came home from a day of work on the truck! got a lot accomplished the engine is almost all put back together

my dads buddy brought his kids over so i had them clean up some of the engine ay grease and grime . and the -47 degree weather inspired me to insulate my cab with some very retro shag carpet ... thankfully you wont be able to see it when i re-install the seat

Me and my cousin did this a while back but i figured id share with you my solution to bench seats causing the stereo to sound muffled. I got my hands on some nice computer speakers and took them out of the casing. Then wholes were drilled in the box saudered them into the main speakers wires as the don't require much power at all and the speakers were pointed upward along with some bass ports i put in (just a fancy term for additional holes) now a lot of sound comes up through the top instead of bouncing into the seat.

could of had an air conditioned honda but,
I'm hard headed and have standards
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