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Old 01-12-2014, 02:14 PM   #1
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Looking for 69-72 Blazers

I hope this is not against the rules, but I am looking for hot wheels, Johnny Lightning type 69-72 Blazers. I have been buying inexpensive hot wheels for my grandson since he was very small. A couple of years ago, he and I started collecting the diecast Blazers. We started looking again and the prices we have found on ebay seem expensive. Some of these that people bought for a couple of dollars they want $20 or $25 plus shipping. I don't mind someone making a profit, but that is more than a retired grandpa can afford. I thought I would see if anyone had duplicates of these they might be williing to sell a little more reasonably. Here are pictures of our modest collection and the grandson with his two favorites. Thanks
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