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Old 01-12-2014, 04:32 PM   #20
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Re: John Lee's Power Drum Brake Conversion

Very happy to report....all the sensitivity in the new power brakes is GONE.

Had a few good PMs with Captainfab last evening. He does good, keeps it simple enough even I can understand what to do.

Got up this AM.,...paid all the bills (so's I'd have an excuse to go ride around and buy stamps)....coffeed up and hit the garage.

Been over 6 months of steady drivin since I last adjusted the brake shoes.....normally do this on all for during the tire rotation every second oil change.

Naturally, they were a bit loose, specially the fronts where mosta the work is done. They was grabby with power cause the rears were comein on first and the fronts weren't workin hard as they should.

So....15 minutes to pull up both front shoe sets and inspect the cylinders, etc....all was well. I knew they was over loose since I slid the drums right off (I previously popped out the rivets so I can work front brakes w/o pullin the spindles). So, brought em in close for a bit of drag. (bout half a wheel spin when reassembled).

Went driving, 90% better.

Came back, tweaked the rear brakes, went drivin....very nice.

Came back, popped off the brake pedal push rod....adjusted it from 1/2" free travel to just a touch over 2/10" free travel. Went driving, pushin 99% on the brakes now.

Still effortless but more action in the top third of the stroke and no lockin the rears less ya panic stop cause ya suddenly realized, that's McDonalds on the right an I needa hashbrown eggieweggie sammie.

So....thanks again to Captainfab for the parts, advice and electronic helping hand.

This here job is almost done. Next week I'll drill the brake pedal mounting point 1" lower and reset the push rod just to see how that makes the set up feel. But really, unless its lots better I'm good and happy with the power brake conversion as it sits right here and now.
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