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Old 01-12-2014, 09:57 PM   #11
The Older Generation

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Re: Bell crank question

Originally Posted by cigar- View Post
Hopefully someone will read this two day old thread......

So that I get things right, is there anyone out there in Southern California with a C10 truck, V-8 motor and a stick shift?

I would like to have a look at the position of the bell crank bracket and the bell crank itself. Maybe I'm the dumbest guy on here but fitting the pivot ball and crank are giving me fits. I have three bell that us bent (came off the truck), one from a V-8 C10 and one from what I don't know.

I need to see which one works best or correctly. Based on a previous reply above I don't know why Chevrolet would mount the bracket on the frame in different locations on V-8 versus an inline 6. Yes, I know the motors are different size and design but it still perplexes me!

I appreciate any and all help.......

There is also two positions that the engine sits in depending on which engine, and whether two or 4 wheel drive. If you look at the frame where the engine mount stands bolt on you will see an extra hole either in front of the stand or behind it. The engine can be moved that far back "or" forward. I will see if I can find a picture. I know there have been some posted on here.


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