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Old 01-13-2014, 12:56 AM   #597
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Re: Donz '65 SWB Stepper Budget Build...

What a week weather-wise… Monday we got up to a balmy 8F and Tuesday morning saw our low dip to 4F. Today topped out around 60F

So it was time to get out in the shed and make a bit o' progress...
Back in mid October I mentioned in post #416 that I was planning on beginning the fabrication process for the Impala taillights...
Due to life and weather getting in the way, I got seriously sidetracked...:bang head:

…so today I decided to preform a bit of Metal Surgery...

I started by slicing a wedge out of some pipe I acquired back in October…

Then I removed a small section from the thin end of the wedge (insert RUSH tune here) and with a bit of help from my vise I bent the pipe into an oblong to mimic the shape of the Impala Taillight… Talked with Bomp to get some welding advice about another piece of my build… Thanks again Greg for taking the time to learn me something...
Then with the help of a scrap piece of this sheet metal, I mocked up the bottom of the bucket…

The last two pics are the mocked up bucket with the light bolted in...
This is only the mock-up, I will be picking up the correct size sheet metal in the morning along with getting my Argon mix refilled, then it will be time to make some sparks...
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Proverbs 27:17
US Air Force Retarded errr Retired
My '65 Stepper Build:
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